Vipassana and Mindfulness Blog

Mindfulness is about skillfully handling whatever life gives us. That's meditation, whether you're on a mountaintop, at work, or on a roller coaster.

“Ron is who you would trust to walk with you in your journey.”

Mindfulness hinges on authenticity and honesty with one’s self and others. It is also the belief that the best mode of living life is through humans nurturing one another with support and kindness. Ron exemplifies this first by passionately articulating how vulnerable he himself had been to acute fear and anxiety, and then leading the self-healing and faith-building process with unadulterated kindness. Sitting with Ron and friends is precious while Ron takes us through recovery and make our souls rejoice life just the way it is. Ron is who you would trust to walk with you in your journey of getting to know yourself through meditative reflection.

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